By kennis, 26 February, 2024

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) consists of eight weekly sessions with home practise in between. The sessions are normally two hours, and a full day of practise may be offered.

By kennis, 26 February, 2024

According to the model of fear circuitry proposed by LeDoux & Pine (2016), our brain process threatening stimuli in two loops: 

Defensive survival circuit - this subcortical circuit, involving areas like the amygdala, controls defensive behaviours and physiological responses to threats.

Cognitive circuit - this cortical circuit involving areas like the prefrontal cortex, generates conscious feelings of fear and anxiety. 

By kennis, 26 February, 2024

What is stress? Stress is a physical and psychological response to demands or challenges, known as stressors, that are perceived as threatening or exceeding an individual's ability to cope. 

Stress can originate from a variety of sources, and can be divided into two major categories - physical stressors and psychosocial stressors.